In the field of domestic violence, terminology has changed over time and will continue to do so. Some Online Learning Center (OLC) courses will have more updated language than others. There are also some resources that are referenced in courses that may not contain the most updated language.

Violence Free Colorado will continue to use the most updated language as new courses are developed, and as we are able to revise older courses.  Please contact us if you have any questions about any of the terminology used in any of our OLC courses.

The vast majority of domestic violence Survivors are women and people targeted by sexism.  That said, we know that there are Survivors of all gender identities.  We use gender inclusive language in our courses to respect that Survivors self-identify.

The term Survivor is used in our courses to mean a person who has experienced abuse – physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and sexually.

The phrases person who chooses to use abusive behaviors, or person who chooses to cause harm are used in our courses to mean a person who uses a variety of tactics to control their partner, committing acts of abuse and violence against a Survivor.  Choosing to use these phrases allows for focus to be on a person’s behavior they are choosing to use, not the person as a whole.